Monday, September 14, 2009


Here is my first blogger post! It's kind of sad that my mom, dad, aunts and cousins all started blogging before me, being the web designer and all. Maybe that is because they all got the writer's gene and I got the artsy-fartsy gene? Hopefully I will have some good stuff to post on here, but nothing is coming to mind right now....

Although, I did just injure my foot yesterday - jumping out of a moving golf cart. Not the brightest idea I've ever had, but it made for some good laughs. My tres amigos of the foursome went on to finish the tournament, while I watched from the golf cart with an ice pack. After the prizes were given out (none for me - shocker) we made the half hour drive back into Omaha. My brother couldn't miss his Packers beat the Bears, so we had to drop him off before taking me to the ER. Finally after all the waiting and x-rays and waiting, the Doctor finally comes in to tell me "well its not broken." Great, a wasted trip to the ER. I guess I do need the crutches they gave me, but I'm pretty sure a trip to goodwill or craigslist would be cheaper than the bill I'll get in a month for my crutches and complimentary hospital grade ice pack.


  1. What a nice, bright, new blog!! And an interesting blog title - how did you come up with it?

  2. I thought the title had something to do with the background. Both are nice.

    I like your painting. Can't wait to see more.

    Oddly enough I started a watercolor class this morning.

    Go Cassie

  3. "juicy" is because the background
    "loop" is because your in the loop now
